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Murshid Waqar Faiz 

Murshid Waqar Faiz was born on the 10th of Ramadan, 1389 A.H (1969 C.E.). The people of his neighborhood recount smelling an intensely sweet fragrance coming from his house when his mother was expecting him. This fragrance followed her around wherever she went, and it persisted even after his birth. His father passed away while he was still young. Murshid Waqar Faiz completed his initial studies in his hometown and received traditional education from his mother. She was a professor of Islamic studies and an extremely pious and worshipful person. He grew up learning about the love of Nabi Pak Muhammad ï·º and his family from her. He recounts how he would return home in the late hours of the night to find the light in his mother’s room on because she was engrossed in prayers.


In the year 1427 A.H. (2004 C.E.), Murshid Waqar Faiz experienced a powerful state in which he felt compelled to seek out Allah. He would be in constant remembrance of the Divine and His Messenger ï·º and would pray hundreds of prayers in a single day. He began to seek out the friends of Allah and would try to sit with them as often as possible. Finally in the year 1429 (2006 C.E.) he took the oath of studenthood (bay`at) with his spiritual teacher, Sayyid Mahmud Ali Shah, who would pass away soon after. It was at this time that Waqar Faiz began to receive spiritual instructions via dreams, and after following these instructions, he would find these dreams to be true. He would see different friends of the Divine of the past offer him spiritual knowledge and instruction, until finally Hazrat Ali revealed himself to Murshid Waqar Faiz. This was the start of a tremendous spiritual journey that continues to this day. 


In his spiritual connection with Hazrat Ali, he would engage in various exercises in order to eliminate the nafs, including forty-day retreats in several different parts of the world including the Arab peninsula, Turkey, England, Europe, and North America. He also secluded himself at the shrines of great saints of the past as well, such as Bibi Pak Daman, Data Ganj-Bakhsh, Bahauddin Zakariyya, Baba Lal Shah, Baba Bulleh Shah, Baba Fareed Ganj-Shakkar, and Shah Shams Tabriz in Pakistan, as well as Khwaja Gharib Nawaz, Khwaja Qutubuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki, Khwaja Nizamuddin Awliya, and Khwaja Nasiruddin Chiraj Delvi in India. He performed a special retreat at the Data Darbar at the very spot where the Holy Ka’ba became visible to those who prayed behind Huzur Data Ganj-Bakhsh. He would also seclude himself in the mountains and jungles. One sight of his spiritual retreat on the banks of the Ravi River has been marked and preserved by his students. They, along with many others, continue their own devotional practices there as well. This site is currently active as a place to receive spiritual blessings.


On one occasion, Murshid Waqar Faiz went on a forty-day retreat in the mountains and allowed some of his students to visit him upon its completion. When they asked him about the experience and what one could accomplish from such practices, he said, “The crown of spirituality does not go to the one who knows the most. It goes to the one who hides the most.” This incident marked the start of Murshid sharing countless spiritual lessons and words of wisdom that left deep impressions upon those around him.


He once said, “People coming to you for help is itself a major gift from the Creator.” After receiving so much on the path, Murshid Waqar Faiz knew he had to share the wisdom he had received in order to truly serve others.


Murshid Waqar Faiz lives in Texas in the United States of America. He provides assistance and service to people all over the world and provides spiritual help and guidance to all who seek it. He invites people to the path of the Divine, and many people have taken the spiritual path under his guidance. The service he provides to creation is summed up best by the supplication Murshid Waqar Faiz continues to make to this day for every creature of Allah to have ease, betterment, happiness, and the desire to walk the path of the Almighty.


This website is dedicated to our beloved guide, Murshid Waqar Faiz. He has given his students the awareness of how to allow God's will to govern our lives through his knowledge, compassion and ability to teach the diverse experiences of spiritual journey.


(713) 382-1622

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